Consciously creating the next legal system

Are you a lawyer who loves the law but you’re disheartened and disillusioned by how it’s practised? 

Have you been on a spiritual journey and now find your legal career is out of alignment with who you’ve become?

Perhaps you intuitively sense that part of your Divine Assignment is to create a new legal system?

Awakening Lawyers exists to serve and support those lawyers who are part of the Great Awakening currently taking place in humanity. It is the biggest shift in consciousness experienced in living history and it’s pretty disorientating. It is even more baffling for those who don’t have a spiritual understanding of what is transpiring. My own path of awakening is continuing at such a pace my mind is regularly blown. In 2022 I finally awoke to the enslavement of our planet, and WHY everything is like it is! Now I know the legal system is part of this enslavement but we haven't been able to see it. The old 3D world and ALL its structures are dissolving and it's going to be a very bumpy ride for those trying to hold on to the life we have all known. 

If you’re an awakening lawyer wanting to figure out the most authentic way to bring all of who you are to what you do, you’re in the right place. 



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Are You An Awakening Lawyer?

You were drawn to the law, to its promise of safeguarding elements of civilization that you hold dear: justice, equality and the protection of human rights.

Law appealed to you as a form of sensemaking of the world.

But during this journey of qualifying and practising law you have become disheartened and disillusioned by the legal system’s ability to deliver on any of these fronts.

The pain of practising in a dysfunctional, toxic profession and the cost of denying who you truly are to fit into this profession brought you to a spiritual crisis.

You’ve alternately been trying to change the legal system to better align with who you are, or changing yourself to align with the system.

As a sensemaker, it’s hard when nothing makes sense anymore.

You’re exhausted.

You’re living in two worlds.

You’re an Awakening Lawyer and I can help you bring these worlds together.

The Lawyers' Guide to the Great Awakening
How to Become the Lawyers that Humanity needs now


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Big News. We need to talk.

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Oh. My. God. Moment.

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Subconscious Soup, Seat of the Soul & a Special offer

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Here's what you NEED to know about what's coming in the law

Mar 30, 2022

If you haven’t yet found your tribe…

If you are an awakening lawyer and you haven’t yet discovered your tribe and reinvented the way you practise, chances are that you feel:

  • you have much more to offer the world than you are currently able to
  • The way you’re practising now exhausts you
  • You’re yearning to feel greater alignment between who you are and what you do
  • You think back to why you were drawn to the law and think “this isn’t it”
  • You look around legal environments and despite being able to play the game, you feel profoundly out of place.

In 2012 I discovered the Integrative Law movement and finally thought I had found my people! Lawyers who are trying to fix or heal the legal system in some way. It was an amazing decade alongside some beautiful people... But I have chosen the accelerated awakening class this lifetime... and in 2020 as draconian laws of lockdowns and mandates were brought in (unlawfully it turns out), I started to see that 90% of the integrative lawyers I'd considered my tribe were not awake to how the legal system was being used a tool of oppression. As the "everyone must get vaccinated" propaganda ramped up, I had to separate myself from lawyers refusing to question the agenda and being divisive and aggressive in their own relationships despite teaching "conscious conflict". It was a very painful time. 

2021 and 2022 were the BIGGEST shifts in my understanding as I found new lawyers across the world questioning the legal system. I have spent hours channelling the Council of Light, and reading 1000's of pages of channelled material and videos by other legal lightworkers, and I know the entire legal system has to go. I also know this is too much of a jump for many lawyers to make. The programming of our ego minds is too much for many to overcome. But my people see THROUGH the deception, they question everything even if it's uncomfortable, and together we're accessing TRUTH, which will allow humanity to create new systems build on LOVE, and in alignment with the Divine Laws. 

You will definitely "lose" people on your awakening path, but lightworkers are brave souls who chose this tough path of entering a new reality before others can see it. 

If you know you are NOT your ego self, you are a multidimensional being of LIGHT, then you're in the right place.  

 The Great Awakening is here and you are needed to build the next legal system based on higher consciousness.


We have tools to help you see everything from a higher perspective which will assist you to show your clients new ways of seeing their issues. You will notice that awakening is an ongoing action and it will require much soul searching, but if this is what you came here to do dear one, you will know in your heart there is no other way. You can become a legal alchemist, using the power of conflict to turn fear into love, despair into hope, and separation into unity.


We have tools to help you see everything from a higher perspective which will assist you to show your clients new ways of seeing their issues. You will notice that awakening is an ongoing action and it will require much soul searching, but if this is what you came here to do dear one, you will know in your heart there is no other way. You can become a legal alchemist, using the power of conflict to turn fear into love, despair into hope, and separation into unity.


Online programmes & coaching for lawyers who want their legal practice to be as spiritually evolved as they are. If you’re open to the possibility that practising law and healing conflict could be a sacred practice, you’re in the right place.

Online Courses & Programmes

We're working on ensuring there are self study programmes for lawyers at all stages of the awakening journey and at any stage of your career! Please hop over to the Programmes page to see what's live now.


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One on One Coaching

I’m a soul coach, committed in helping you get clear on why you incarnated and what’s standing in the way of you living the BIGGEST and BEST version of your life imaginable. If you just want tips for making partner I'm probably not the right coach for you.

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Student Mentorship Programme

In 2021 we held the first Awakening Lawyers Student Mentorship programme to RAVE reviews. We are working on dates for 2022 - please ensure you're subscribed to the newsletter and our social media channels so you're in the loop when we launch.

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Soul Clarity Package 

I provide channeled readings for lawyers by contacting their spiritual guides. It is extraordinary what we can find out without years in therapy! You’ll be surprised how many lawyers are on a spiritual path and ready for such guidance!

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I consult, speak, write and teach about the future of law, Integrative Law and what it means to be an integrative lawyer. I’ve contributed to the ABA’s Lawyers as Changemakers by J Kim Wright, run mentorship programmes for universities and recorded online programmes for lawyers. Let’s talk.

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Speaking Engagements

I love speaking about all matters concerning awakening lawyers! I also speak about my own unusual path. Please use the contact page if you’re interested in hiring me to speak at an event.

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We’re in the middle of the Great Awakening.


"In the legal profession are those awakening and it is vital they have someone to turn to, to hold their new power coming in and ensure they can ground it, centre it, and then channel it in the appropriate direction. It would not be good if these individuals were not able to give themselves fully for one of any multitude of reasons. They are afraid of giving up who they used to be; or afraid they don't know what they are to do; or afraid they dont have some of the skills required, or afraid they don’t have enough resources, energy and or financial. You are here to show them there are no obstacles other than the ones they see in their own minds."

~ Channelled Message regarding the purpose of the Awakening Lawyers business


In the legal profession are those awakening and it is vital they have someone to turn to, to hold their new power coming in and ensure they can ground it, centre it, and then channel it in the appropriate direction. It would not be good if these individuals were not able to give themselves fully for one of any multitude of reasons. They are afraid of giving up who they used to be; or afraid they don't know what they are to do; or afraid they dont have some of the skills required, or afraid they don’t have enough resources, energy and or financial. You are here to show them there are no obstacles other than the ones they see in their own minds. ~ Channelled Message regarding the purpose of the Awakening Lawyers business

The world is chaotic right now as we transition to a new era of consciousness. If your current life doesn’t quite fit you anymore and you’re searching for meaning and purpose this is exactly where you’re meant to be. We are living in a time of unprecedented and extraordinary change. We are experiencing an evolution in human consciousness during which a large proportion of humanity is reorienting itself, or awakening to belief systems that were previously only held by a select group of enlightened masters.

Now multitudes are realizing:

  1. The reality we experience in the 3rd dimensional world is a direct reflection or “outpicturing” of our interior worlds. The world is created through collective consciousness.
  2. We are not mere mortals but in fact Divine Beings made in the image of The Creator or Source and as such we are endowed with creative powers which we’ve barely scratched the surface of.
  3. We have been programmed by a dysfunctional and dystopian society to fear each other and live disconnected from humanity as a whole and from Planet Earth.
  4. To restore equilibrium on the planet we are required to create new systems that are aligned with Universal Law and these can only be created from the inside out: by finding peace within, we can create peace without.

Are you still with me here?

The shift is being made from ego consciousness to soul consciousness. Because the current legal profession is built entirely from ego consciousness, those who are firmly entrenched within the existing system may feel threatened or frightened by these changes or perhaps not even able to make sense of these concepts.

We are making quantum leaps. Imagine a surgeon being told that from now on instead of cutting open bodies to perform surgeries, the profession will be using laser and lightwaves only. It’s radical but it’s where we are headed.

Awakening Lawyers is the support system for those lawyers sensing these changes and desiring to build the next legal system based on higher consciousness.

See what others say about Amanda

The struggle ends here.

X no more feeling alone

X no more wondering if you can be a lawyer and a spiritual person

X no more working insane hours for someone’s else’s version of success

X no more agonising over your purpose

Instead, once you start working with Awakening Lawyers you will

âś” start seeing the bigger picture of what’s unfolding in the world, in the law and in your life

âś” tap into your extraordinary intuitive abilities

âś” connect with other awakening lawyers globally who delight and inspire you

âś” start to create your path consciously, experiencing synchronicities and spiritual guidance


Lawyering from the Seat of the Soul

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Legal Lightworkers' Academy

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Student Mentorship Programme

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Hear it from my clients

"I believe that there are many lawyers who are also motivated by a deeper more spiritual calling to the work, even if they don't publicly acknowledge it or aren't consciously aware of it.  These are the people that I think your work could help the most. They are more likely to be open to it and the work that you are doing gives a foundation,  context, depth and purpose to the well-being that many of these leaders are out in the world sharing with other lawyers.
You are by far the most openly and unapologetically "spiritual" lawyer I've come across. I know that's not easy for you at times but there is great value in your saying/living what many others wish they could (or they might not be conscious of it, but they are searching for deeper meaning in their work and life.)"

Chris Lhulier, Attorney, New York

“Amanda Lamond is the person who made the most difference in my mindset shift in 2020. I recommend booking time with her now – don’t wait! I’ve now referred her to 11 friends and colleagues. The feedback I’ve gotten from them echoes my sentiment. She’s able to provide exactly what is needed at the moment for your next stage of growth – be it professional or personal. I regularly reread what she sent me and it’s made a significant impact in my life and I plan on engaging Amanda Lamond yearly from now on. Take the leap and just set up a time with her – you will be delighted and amazed at the deep insights you will come away with.”

Kelly McGrath
Peacemaking Lawyer, Florida


"What a great coaching session today Amanda! I honestly do not know how to thank you. It is amazing how rapidly you understand my feelings and thoughts. I am lucky to have you as my guide in this journey. It is really an honour for me to have met you in this life. I hope to feel ready soon so that I can be of help working alongside you."

Caio Campello, Commercial attorney, mediator, arbitrator, Brazil

The Lawyers' Guide to the Great Awakening 

How to Become the Lawyers that Humanity needs now

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